Gifts For Artists Who Paint – Gift Ideas For Painters

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Are you searching for what to get for your painter friend, loved one, or maybe even yourself? Here is a list of some of my very favorite items when it comes to painting, that are great gifts for artists who paint. These gift ideas for painters are all practical items that are incredibly useful for artists who paint in any painting medium and practice!

First up on the list of gifts for artists who paint

Viewfinder – $7.46

Although you can make your own viewfinder with a piece of cardboard. I personally love the Artist’s Viewcatcher that can be purchased here on Amazon. It is hard plastic and will not bend or break when thrown into a bag for plein air painting.

A viewfinder is a great tool to use in order to search for a compelling composition, which makes it such a great gift for artists who paint. It is hard to find a good composition when you are not able to to focus in on a certain area. With a viewfinder you can take away the distraction of the surrounding area by looking through a small hole and moving your eye around in search of an interesting arrangement of light and dark values.

It is far easier and faster finding great compositions using a viewfinder than not. You will avoid having to fix and rearrange your composition later on. Many great artists use viewfinders,

Paint Brush Cleaner – $21.84

I have personally used this exact same brush cleaner for years – and absolutely love it. It never leaks when taking it out plein air painting. It has become my main brush cleaner even when painting indoors in my studio. So, it is an ideal brush cleaner for both plein air painting and studio painting. Its small size makes it easy transport with your painting gear and works efficiently for cleaning your brushes.

Natural Oil Paint Kit – $48.95

Paint like the old masters with this paint set! These are 100% pure and natural. Colors included are venetian red, orange ochre, yellow ochre, terre verte, ultramarine blue, ultramarine purple, black ochre, burnt sienna, titanium white rutile and burnt umber. Included in the set are mixing instructions.

Oil paints are known for some of their toxic elements. So, enter natural oil paint! For those who are concerned about health or have small children close by – investing in some natural paints is something to definitely consider. You can paint without being concerned about getting any toxic elements in your bloodstream!

Painting Gloves – $39.99

painting gloves

These gloves are fabulous for protecting yourself from the toxic elements in paint – especially lead white. I didn’t use gloves for years even though I was getting lead white all over my hands (yikes!!) for the foolish reason that it always felt too clumsy to wear gloves. That all changed once I came across these. They fit incredibly well on my hand and almost feel like I am not wearing gloves at all. In addition, since you receive 400 gloves all at once, you can be certain that you will not need to buy more gloves for quite a while!

More gifts for artists who paint

Leather Pencil Case – $24.99

I love leather pencil cases! I also love being able to carry my pencils around with me wherever I go and my opinion if one of the best gift ideas for painters

The Practical Gift for the artist friend in your life that will last for years and years to come and bound to make any recipient smile. Safely store your pencils, pens, eraser, and pencil sharpener in the case. You can also store other items such as headphones or scissors if you are crafty.

Guerilla Paint Box Set – $139.99

Next on the list of gifts for artists who paint, is something for artists who love to travel and paint! This compact pochade box can hold 2 panels in the 5 x 7 in size. Paint and brushes can be stored inside the box and wet panels can be stored behind the cover!

As a set it comes with everything a painter would need (except for oil paints) to start painting right away – is perfect for the beginning artist who is serious about venturing into painting.

Oil Palette Cup Clip On – $9.99

This palette cup clip on is very handy for plein air painting or studio painting. It allows you to have linseed oil in one cup and turpenoid in the other. So, you can rinse your brushes a little and thin paint without needing to have a large jar around. It is very transportable, so if ever need to travel with art supplies – this is something to have!

Fabriano Sketchbook – $23.31

I absolutely love Fabriano paper. Most of my notebooks come from Fabriano. These journals will last anyone a long time with its 192 pages. It is perfect for taking with on travels or simply using as your daily sketchbook!

Gamblin Oil Colors Beginner Oil Paint Set – $69.57

Gamblin paint is wonderful and receiving a set of paints is even more wonderful! These paints will surely delight your painter friend! They are of the highest quality and crafted in Portland, Oregon. All the necessary colors one might need are included in this set.

Gamblin Mediums Set – $23.16

Here is a wonderful sample set to give to any painter friend. This allows one to try out and experiment with different oils and solvents to learn which one likes best. Included are the following:

  • Galkyd – Neo Megalip – Refined Linseed Oil
  • Gamsol a 37ml tube of non-solvent Gel
  • 2ml jar of Cold Wax Medium
  • Not suitable for children

Murphy’s Oil Soap $9.89

This stuff is amazing for cleaning brushes with, and it comes with an equally amazing price. Don’t go after the expensive brush cleaning soaps that are sold in art stores. Murphy’s oil soap will not just clean your brushes but also condition them. It is what the Rosemary Brush Company recommends. So, here is a bargain stocking stuffer that your painter friend will surely appreciate.

Hawthorne On Painting – $7.95

If I was only allowed to recommend one book in all the world to a painter, it would hands down be this one. The lessons taught will influence you, improve your painting, and change the way you think about painting. It is not a book that you simply read through once and set down. Rather, it is a book you come back to time and time again so as to revisit the wisdom that is in its pages.

Canvas Paint Brush Holder – $15.99

A canvas brush holder is an absolute essential part of my own supplies kit. In addition, it is incredibly practical when it comes to painting out of doors. Having something to place your brushes in and transport them safely is critical – as anyone who is a plein air painter understands. Makes a perfect gift for your painter friend and one of the most practical gifts for artists who paint!

I hope that you found something special in this gift guide of gifts for artists who paint! If you feel there is something missing from the list of gift ideas for painters, or you have a favorite item that you love to use while painting, I would love to hear about it! Leave a comment below or send me an e-mail.


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    Hello! I'm Elisabeth Larson Koehler

    Art Studio Life exists for you to be able to stay inspired, learn, and improve your skills.

    Elisabeth Larson Koehler creator of art studio life
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